Monday, November 2, 2009


ii choose this blog because this blog is my friend blog.his blog very nice this blog his about ramada and accident in she in trama when she drive self.this nice background,cearly writin,picture and his profile very clear to read.

so what can i tell this blog very nicely to see and read.she introduction for his and story about she.this blog can be example who want to do the blog.

just do this blog example not copy and paste...lastly what can i tell this blog very nicely


Dugaan di Bulan Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Pada 24 Ogos yg lalu lbeh kurang jam 4.30 ptg, aku ngan bonda tcinta memang diduga dgn begitu kuat skali pada bulan yg mulia nie.Mase tue kirorang on the way balik from kampung ( Arau ) hantar adik2 aku coz deorang nak spend mase cuti skolah kat sane. Sblum pegi sane tue mmg my mom cam berat nak pegi coz dye tak brape sehat and cuace plak mcm tak mgizinkan jer. But ape bleh buat, takkan lak nak suruh my abah patah balik dari Bukit Kayu Hitam amik budak2 nie. So, aku pn tman la my mom drive pegi sane. Alhamdulillah dalam pjalanan balik, hujan pun dah reda sket. Kuar jer tol Gurun kitorang amik jalan shortcut area Modenas coz nak cpat smpai takot nnti x smpat bsiap2 utk berbuke. And ntah nape time tue aku dgn 'slumber' je bukak seat belt. Org slalu pesan kalau lalu dkat jalan situ kene bringat sket coz mcm2 ceter da org dgr jadi kat situ. But at that moment my mom lemah and aku lak cam lali jer coz ngantok, suddenly malang tak berbau dkat satu selekoh exactly kat tmpat yg 'haunted' tue my mom rase'stering' krete macam menarik ke arah divider jalan and my mom pun kuat2 pusingkan stering ke kiri utk balance-kan balik krete. Hurmmm mase tue la krete melelong and kitorang terbabas terjun ke dlm gaung. Agak jauh kitorang menjunam kat bwh gaung tue. Allah je tawu mcm ne prasaan kitorang especially aku yg terbang dari seat smpai terhentak cermin dpan. Krete kitorang tbalik kuang and kemek trok smpai kitorang trapped dlm krete yg tbalik tue. My mom glabah sgt coz takot takde org dtg slamatkan kami. Ye la kalau dari ats memang takkan nampak krete kami kat bawah tue. Pntu smue auto-lock and my mom da terbayang bukan2 dah. What will happen if takder org dtg then minyak leaking, finally the car explode? OMG!! Aku lak time tue bodo2 and bengong2 jer coz terhantuk cermin smpai retak cermin. Kuat gak ek badan aku nie. Haha.. Alhamdulillah,after a few minutes, dtg 2 org laki India pcahkan cermin krete and slamatkan kami berdua. Well, my mom just luke2 sket and sakit2 blakang. Me? Haha dpt gak la merase baring jap kat hospital tue. Siap wat Xray and pkai anduh lg. Ramai org bg tawu kami kalau tgk kedaan krete dlm gaung tue logically kami bleh jd arwah. But, mybe ape yg blaku nie ader hkmahnye. This is what people say Dugaan di Bulan Ramadhan.. Alhamdulillah.....Allah still sygkan kami. And aku until now TRAUMA!!!!!! Haha.....!


This Ramadhan is not same like before...

Assalamualaikum... Hurmmm brape mnit lg alhamdulillah sume umat Islam di Malaysia da bleh bbuke pose for the 1st day of Ramadhan. Hari nie just duduk kat umah jer for the whole day without doing anything... Mase hari nie la everything come to my mind...Semue prasaan dtg serentak.. Mybe this Ramadhan agak different la from past years coz just clebrating Ramadhan wif my mummy. Just kmi 2 branak jer. Well dis year abah most likely to stay at umah tok jer coz abah pun keje area sane and we will gather just biler abah x keje. Adik2 cam besa kdg2 bbuke kat ngan kami and kdg2 ngan mama. miss mama a lot since da lame x stay ngan mama mybe mama pun x rase sgt la sdih. Awal2 dulu ade la skit sdih2 but now i'm sure she's ok bout that. Dulu time2 cam nie la kcoh 1 dapur umah mama kami ramai2 i mean me, mama, adik2, opah, abg long, afeef smue ade jer keje masing2 prepare evrything utk bbuke. But now, i dunno how the situation is. Is it still the same or not. Hurmmm rindunyer nak masak2 same2 ngan mama, bhidang, duduk ramai2 makan same2. I believe mama also feels that. It just she dun want to admit that. Hehe! I know she miss me a lot..But what to say... Mama i love u so much!!! Mmmmmmuaaaahxx!!! Ok subject change... Ermm my little Aidil sahur makan roti..haha..poor that little boy...1st day tak dpt balik SP..i know he's sad coz every year his fmily akan bbuke ramai2 mase 1st day of puase. Ape bleyh wat skrg u are at Damansara for what, to study. Just take it as a sacrifice in order to achieve a successful future. Btw, slamat berpuase! May Ramadhan will bring lot of bless to all of u! Loves: Wanie!


Goodbye ramadan see you next year.Rmada is very happy month when all the muslim must fasting.All must know why muslim fasting at day time.Ramadan we can't drink,eat and swimming at pool river and sea at day time.

After ramadan is raya puasa.Ramadan is one month in one year so is not so long for fasting in ramadan month after that is raya so is not hard to fasting.

On ramadan muslim must more reading AL-QURAN and sembayang terawih


Thesis Statements

  • Sentence that sates the central idea of an essay.
  • It must tell about two things
- tell readers an essay's topic.
- present the writer's attitude,opinion,idea or point.

Thesis Statements
  • Basic stand that an author takes
  • Opinion that expresses
  • Major points that wishesto make about his subject

Each thesis will
  1. State the subject clearly and specificall
  2. Take a stand attitude about the subject
  3. Proude the diverction by indicating,implicity orexpcicity

  1. Example - I strongly agree stduying with other will improve one's grade because can do discussion or do the thesis one topic to one person
  2. Example - I agree newapaper is useful for students because is can be more information to study and student can use when write essay and newspaper good for student especially english paper example new straits times it can improve english for student.


First i think i can't go study anywhere university because my resut SPM not so good want to compare my other friend's...

My ambition is architect but when i look result SPM i don't think so i can study in architect.After that i get letter from University International College Of Technology in course diploma in architectural studies.So i think twince because this university is private.I think twicely in the same time i get offer letter from KPTM course diploma information technology.SO i make decision so i go to university international in diploma architectural study..

I my decision is the my future.I know SPM is a go away now i must to do something to make my parents proud to me.Wht i want one day i can be architect.

Saturday, August 22, 2009



OBSESSED story about one husband very faihfulness for his wife he is DEREK.Enticement leads to terror when a sexy office temp forms dangerous fixation on a successful and happily married asset manager.DEREK CHARLES is good at his job ,so good that he's recently earned a big promotion.He's worked hard to get top,and when his workday is finished DEREK has the luxury of returning home to his beautiful wife and ther healthy newborn child.But DEREK'S perfect life begins to cumble when sexy temp worker LISA goes to work at the office and begins stalking DEREK'S every move.When LISA'S obsession turns dangerous.DEREK and his wife resort to desperate measures in protecting themselves and their child from her deadly wrath....


I opened JASON MRAZ blog is about Gratitude Cafe Tour.He is offering a platfrom to show people how this amazing universe works.I guess i just have to extend my being grateful as a start with cummunity and with others who I could reach for now.Thank you JASON MRAZ for what your bring to the world.Your energy and positivity are significant and you inspire me to live a worry-free like of beauty
my 1st blog.....

this is my first blog.......but i just used for the ACADEMIC WRITING IN ENGLISH...